Hi, I’m Lee. I’m the one who makes all of your food. Many have asked why I retired the Wild Spork. In short, I was done with it physically, mentally, and emotionally. The Wild Spork served its purpose. It brought vegan food to a wider market and showed people that they didn’t have to give up cheesy fries and fried chicken in pursuit of a plant-based lifestyle. But after 7 years of playing “how do I make this vegan” I felt more like a scientist than a chef. Now that vegan food has gone mainstream (you can buy vegan cheese and Beyond Burgers at Walmart) the time was right to move on.

Welcome Rabbit Food to the scene!

I love creating vibrant dishes from locally sourced produce. Rabbit Food aligns with my personal beliefs that we should eat foods as close to the source as possible with minimal processing and ideally, minimal distance from the farms that grew them. Presenting whole foods in a delicious way is rewarding and fulfilling for me as a chef, and I hope you feel the same way as a consumer.

Thanks for joining me on this journey.

About Lee